Welcome to ACCES2024

In order to discuss the latest development of electrical engineering discipline and its cross fields, deeply promote industry-university-research cooperation, let scientific research achievements help the development of new quality productivity, and contribute innovative force to the Chinese modernization path, the China Electrotechnical Society will hold the " The 19th Annual Conference of China Electrotechnical Society (ACCES 2024)" on September 20-22, 2024 in Xi'an.

As a well-known academic exchange and industry-university-research cooperation event in the field of electrical engineering, ACCES will invite academicians, renowned experts, and discipline leaders to participate in the conference. The annual conference will provide a platform for scientific researchers, electrical engineers and entrepreneurs to display and exchange new theories, new materials, new technologies and new achievements in the field of electrical engineering and its cross-disciplines through rich conference sections such as theme conferences, series of academic theme forums, equipment development theme forums, fund project exchange forums, annual forums of special committees, paper exchanges, reviewer lectures, technical salons, and exhibition and display of innovation achievements.

For this reason, we specially invite academic leaders, scientific research workers, teachers and students of colleges and universities, as well as scientific and technical personnel of electrical equipment enterprises to submit papers actively.

Sponsor and Co-sponsors

Hosted by:

China Electrotechnical Society


Organized by:
Xi 'an Jiaotong University

Xi 'an University of Technology

Northwestern Polytechnical University

Shaanxi University of Science and Technology

Xi 'an Technological University

Xidian University

Xi 'an University of Science and Technology

Supported by:
China Association For Science And Technology  

Media and Journal:
Transaction of China ElectrotechnTransaction of China Electrotechnical Society (EI)

Proceedings of The Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering (EI)

Power System Technology (EI)

Automation of Electric Power Systems (EI)

Electric Machines and Control (EI)

Power System Protection and Control

High Voltage Apparatus

Electric Power Automation Equipment

Journal of Global Energy Interconnection

Electrical Engineering

Renewable Energy System and Equipment

Smart Power and Energy Security


Electrical Energy Systems (SCI)

High Voltage

Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (PCMP)

Green Energy and Intelligent Transportation

CES Transactions on Electrical Machines and Systems

Global Energy Interconnection


Publications and Indexing

1. The ACCES conference accepts both Chinese and English manuscripts.

2. The high-quality Chinese manuscripts accepted by the annual conference and participating in the conference will be recommended for publication in the following EI/SCI journals: Transaction of China Electrotechnical Society (EI), Proceedings of The Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering (EI), Power System Technology (EI), Automation of Electric Power Systems (EI), Electric Machines and Control (EI), Power System Protection and Control, High Voltage Apparatus, CSEE JPES, Electrical Energy Systems, High Voltage, Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (PCMP), etc.

3. All accepted papers in English and all the Chinese papers accepted by the conference (the Chinese papers have been translated into English) but not recommended to journals will be will be published in the Conference Proceedings (LNEE, ISSN:1876-1100, EI source) by Springer-Verlag Publisher, Germany, which will be submitted to EI Compendex index.

ACCES:EI indexing records(click)    Proceedings link(click)
ACCES:EI indexing records(click)    Proceedings link(click)
ACCES:EI indexing records(click)    Proceedings link(click)
ACCES:EI indexing records(click)    Proceedings link(click)
Call for paper

The scope of essay writing is as follows (including but not limited to):
1. New Power Systems and New Energy
2. Power Electronics Technologies and Applications
3. Motor and its system
4. Intelligent technology and application of distribution network/microgrid
5. Power system protection and control
6. Intelligent perception, operation and maintenance of power equipment
7. Transportation electrification
8. Energy storage and application
9. High voltage and insulation
10. Electromagnetic Fields and Circuits
11. Electromagnetic Technologies and Applications
12. Electrical materials and equipment

Submission Guidelines

Authors should use the templates obtained from the conference site to format their papers (Format Template)(所有论文必须按照格式模板排版)

All papers must be submitted through the online submission system(Online submission system)(所有中英文论文必须通过下面ACCES在线投稿系统投稿)

Important Dates
Deadline for submissions: June 20, 2024  August 10,2024
Deadline for acceptance notice: August 25, 2024
Registration deadline: September 5, 2024
Conference Date: September 20-22, 2024

Contact information

Manuscript consultation

Wang Wenguang: 131-6163-9872 (China Electrotechnical Society)
Wang Yusheng: 132-4033-2108(China Electrotechnical Society)
Sun Yu: 010-63256997 (China Electrotechnical Society)
He Lei: 010-63256981 (Transaction of China Electrotechnical Society)
Jia Yuquan: 185-1158-1038 (Publishing Contact)

Online submission system:www.acces.org.cn/submit
Official website:www.cesforum.comwww.acces.org.cn 
Email:  acces2021@foxmail.com
Address: China Electrotechnical Society (CES), 10th floor, 10th Floor, Tianlian Building, No.102 Lianhuachi East Road, Xicheng District, Beijing (100055)


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